Erasure’s “Brother and Sister” started playing in my head when I saw this card.
Today’s Compass reading features the 8 of Wands from The Tarot of the Sweet Twilight.
Starting at the North, 3 qualities I see inside this card are: communication, whimsical, focused.
Moving towards the East, I’ll work on new tarot project.
Moving to the South, dance to some of my favorite tunes.

Finally circling around to the West, create a new writing playlist to help while I write.
Recap from last post: I’ve been good with completing the daily and week long tasks. This week I’ll spend time playing that new Stones of Fate card game with my partner.
What would your compass reading be for the 8 of Wands?
Leave a comment with your North Star, 24-hour action, weekly action, and monthly actions.