Today’s card is The Fool.
Starting at the North, 3 qualities I see inside this card are: freedom, expression, carefree.
Moving towards the East, I’m going to have a fun weekend motorcycle ride from Portland to Seattle where my partner and I are visiting a friend.

Moving to the South, I’m going to have fun to New York City where my tarot family is awaiting me at this year’s Readers Studio.
Finally, circling around to the West has me setting an action step that I will do during the next 30 days that makes me feel free, expressive, and carefree. I think I’ll set a board game date with some friends. I backed a game called Stones of Fate last year on kickstarter and it should be arriving soon.
Finally, circling around to the West, I’m going to play the game, Stones of Fate, a Kickstarter game I backed last year and has the art of Ciro Marchetti.
What would your compass reading be for the The Fool?
Leave a comment with your North Star, 24-hour action, weekly action, and monthly actions.