The bunny knight is my friend, my love, and my partner. He is the rock which keeps me grounded and moving forward in all my endeavors.
Today’s Compass reading features the Knight of Pentacles from the Fey Tarot
Starting at the North, 3 qualities I see inside this card are: love, grounded, and reflection
Moving towards the East, I will spend an hour in the sun, meditating and thinking about the things that keep me here and what they mean to me.

Moving to the South, I’ll go walking twice this week, hopefully with the bunny knight himself.
Finally circling around to the West, I’ll be going to Denver, to reflect on my family and show my love and support for what we are all going through.
Recap from last post: I got to start working on a new tarot project, something I’ve wanted to try my hand at but the opportunity hadn’t presented itself yet. It has and I’m looking forward to wrapping it up. I also got to dance around to some of my favorite songs.
What would your compass reading be for the Knight of Pentacles?
Leave a comment with your North Star, 24-hour action, weekly action, and monthly actions.