Only 20 days left until the Readers Studio. Can I get a *woo*! Yeah. Today’s major arcana card of the countdown is none other than the Magician. Another one of my personal faves, (seems like all these first cards are the easy and fun ones, huh?) The Magician stands for manifesting one’s dreams. This card describes a person who knows how to take all the elements the world gives us and combines them in ways to take their dreams and turn them into reality.
Usually manifesting my dreams is something I am very good at doing. However, I’m in the midst of some heavy hitting changes in my life (including a move from one location to another). I’m distracted and not feeling up to manifesting anything. However, I know that I can turn this frown upside down and take this card in as an opportunity to use these changes going on and to really sit down and understand what I want out of the next few weeks leading up to The Readers Studio (and eventually beyond the trip) so that I can achieve everything I want my life to have.