In keeping with the new theme of doing more tarot and blogging for 2018, I kicked off this new year with a New Year’s Eve spread. I chose to use, and modify, the NYE Spread from Beth of Little Red Tarot. This 10-card spread is designed to guide you in the transition from one year to the next. Ten cards is a lot, so I modified it by pulling fewer cards.
1. Center: What surrounds me right now? I pulled one card and got The High Priestess. Which is fitting because my word for 2018 is faith. Having this show up as my center for tonight’s energy seems auspicious. I welcome these energies and look forward to finding my center through it all.
2. Dusk: What am I leaving behind this year? I pulled one card and got the 5 of cups. 2017 had a lot of tears. I lost many friends and dealt with health issues. It’s time I leave all the tears and negativity behind, clearing my way forward. I cannot be held back by the pain and disappointment.
3. Horizon: What comes into my life this year? I pulled one card and have Justice. Justice IS the card of 2018 (adding all the numbers up, we get 11). Love this synchronicity. I’ve been through a lot in 2017 and I feel like I’ve been given a chance to start fresh this year. Things will return to balance this new year. I’m looking forward to it. And here’s to being back on track for my goals.
4. Focus: Where should I put my attention in 2018? I pulled two cards, the 4 of pentacles and the 4 of swords. Work and Health. I need to return to my words and to what matters to me and share my gifts more often. Hence, the need for blogging and writing. I also need to rest and find the balance in my mind. Perhaps it is time to give meditation a go again.
5. Tools: Resource to draw upon. I pulled one card and got the Queen of Wands. It’s time to let my leonine side out more often. I was made for the limelight and haven’t really allowed myself to go free. Let go of the dumpy, the boring, and paint the world once more with my perspective and colors. It’s time to be fearless and don’t look back.