The next stop on this journey is The Lovers. When I first saw this card, I smiled. The Lovers is all about friendship, love, and the pursuit of living a completely fulfilling life. Which is an endeavor we all should try and strive for in life.
That said, in my Readers Studio journey, The Lovers shows my happiness and excitement for the upcoming adventure. Going to one Readers Studio is like being in heaven. However, being able to attend the Readers Studio for two years in a row is amazingly divine. I get to gather with my tarot tribe, expand my tarot repertoire, and indulge in the number one love of my life (after my husband, kender)–tarot, of course! I love learning new techniques, and I cannot wait to see what James Wanless, James Wells, and Shawn Nacol has to offer us this year. I’m also excited because I get a 4 day slumber party with Drew and RoseRed. *squee*