Today’s card is The Hermit. As like the other cards in the countdown pattern, I find his placement fitting. The Hermit is an archetype of the Wise Old One who lives alone. I envision this being happy and content in their own presence and enjoys watching the world move, rather than being a busy part of it. The Hermit reminds us to take time out for ourselves and enjoy our own company. He gives us space to reflect and integrate all that we have learned in our daily living.
In two days I board a plane for New York. I spent most of this weekend being social and hanging out with friends and my hubby. Today I take for myself. I will spend some quiet time reading, meditating, and finalizing my attire for the week I am gone. In this sense, I become my own Hermit, a wise woman who reflects on where I have been and where I am, and in some respects, thinks about where I want to be and become.