
A Shadow Reading

The cover of the Dark Wood Tarot book by Sasha Graham and Abigal Larson.

Earlier today I hopped onto the good, ole video chat to gather in a circle with ladies from the Cascadia Tarot Society. We’re a bunch of cartomancers spread out across the Portland-metro area. We meet every month or so, around people’s houses. Today was the first time we’ve seen one another since the NorthWest Tarot Symposium. We chatted about how we were holding up over the week. Then, Janet Brayson gave us a fantastic two-card spread, which she learned from Monica Bodirsky.

Card one represents an aspect of our shadow side, something we need to learn during this time. Card two provides a solution to the first card. We ended up doing two pairs of readings—one for ourselves and one for the world. I used my copy of the Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson which Llewellyn sent out to me. This is my first reading with the deck and it was such a delight.

The 6 of Wands and Five of Pentacles from the Dark Wood tarot by Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson.
The 6 of Wands and Five of Pentacles from the Dark Wood tarot by Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson. Click to embiggen.

My shadow card reminds me to understand that I am greater than I am. I don’t always acknowledge and honor my achievements. I have done so much in my life. It’s time to bring the grand poo-bah into my self.

Providing a solution to my shadow is the Five of Pentacles. This card reminds me to use the resources I’ve stocked up to remove the scripts and stories that family and society installed in my heads. These resources include peer counseling and real counseling, using tarot to help stir my path and to acknowledge and honor the words my friends and fans tell me.

The 2 of Cups and Six of Swords from the Dark Wood tarot by Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson.
The 2 of Cups and Six of Swords from the Dark Wood tarot by Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson. Click to embiggen.

The collective’s shadow card is the Two of Cups. This pandemic is teaching us a big lesson in empathy. The world seems to have gotten a bit colder; we stopped leaning in and trusting one another. Now that we aren’t free to head out and connect in person with one another, we crave connections. This situation is bringing life and connectivity and heart to the forefront of our minds.

The solution to the collective’s shadow is the Six of Swords. We are crossing this sticky situation and heading out to calmer and better times ahead. We will use this time to understand what we want and where we want to end up ultimately. We will get through this.

Overall, a fun read and a fun gathering. Test out this reading and tell me what cards you got?