Happy Earth Day everyone. Today’s card is The Hierophant. Which, in a way, is a perfect card for today. The Hierophant is spiritual mentor or a teacher. And as a pagan Nature, the elements, messages from the great beyond, and the universe are just some of my teachers. However, this archetype’s lessons can come from anywhere. Teachers can also be the people and critters that we have in life. Even Tarot is a great mentor and instructor.
In four days, I’ll be surrounded with a whole room full of potential and current teachers. I get to see Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone again. They’re my teachers for my Tarot Correspondence Course (also put on through The Tarot School, which I have sorely neglected). About 200+ students from all over the world will be sitting in a ballroom for 3 days, listening and learning and discussing Tarot with one another. We’ll be learning new tips and tricks from three gentlemen running the master classes. All in all, I’m glad to be learning from The Hierophant again.