Blessed Beltane everyone. Special welcome to the visitors of Mary Caesto’s Harmonic Spirit. I hope you find my post as illuminating as the other posts in this hop!
This Tarot Blog Hop was run by Andrew McGregor who presented us with a challenging topic of: The Fire tends to all. Beltane is a challenging sabbat for me. It contains overpowering sexual energy that, for me, clouds the true beauty of this holiday. Namely, the ideas of love, new growth, and love of community. I had no idea what I was going to post for this topic, but seeing that I just spent a whole week filled with positive, radiant, loving people in New York City at The Readers Studio, I believe I have found my voice for this topic.
The fire tends to all when we come together in circle to celebrate our passions. The fire re-energizes and fills our cups over when we experience something so deep, so clearly, and the voice of the Universe blends its energy and messages into a voice so clearly that you cannot misinterpret the message. This is the type of experience I had this past week. Before leaving for New York, I felt used, bland, and generic. But after spending a week with people I love, people so excited about tarot as I am, I learned that I am a beautiful dynamic person who is LOVED by her peers without prejudice.
The fire tends to all, to support us, our voices, and helps us transform like a phoenix until we become the best that we can be. That’s when we shine like the stars appearing in the night sky and across the Universe. Or as Rainer Maria Rilke says in the poem You, Darkness, “for the the fire makes a circle of light for everyone.” Which is also what tarot does for those who use the cards.
Thank you for stopping by Tarot Inspired Life. To continue the blog hop, please continue on to the lovely Zanna Starr’s Tarot Notes blog to read her post.