

August 2020 Planning Spread

To recap, in 2020 I’m using these decks: The Sovereign Oracle, the mini Ceccoli Tarot, and the Animantras deck. I chose them because I wanted to play with mini decks this year. They give me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a cute animal to act as the guide for the lesson. This whole spread sits on my desk where I can see it, work with the energies, and integrate them into my day.

Theme: Knowledge
How: 5 of Cups
Helper: Honey Bee (be busy)

August 2020 Planning Spread
August 2020 Planning Spread. Click to embiggen.

Knowledge is the theme for this month. When I first drew this card back in January, I thought I understood it all. I figured I’d be signing up for a birthday month retreat somewhere, learning some new things with a group of likeminded individuals. I was wrong. Instead, I’m still here at home, learning, and growing at a slower pace. This card tells me to seek and grow beyond what I already know. I’m teaching my body how to run on pavement again, retraining it this way is a long process. I’m also slowing my writing down, to find and recapture the love I have for divination and techniques.

Showing me how I will accomplish this is the Five of Cups. I’m reading this card to say look beyond to where ad what makes me uncomfortable (grief, fragility, and the other negative places) and dig up the assumptions around this. Growth comes from the uncomfortable places. And it’s time to push my boundaries a bit more.

Honey Bee is my helper this month. Bee’s message is to be busy. But it’s not like my normal routine of doing things without focus or intent. Instead this is a focus on what needs to be done and then, when it’s time, go nourish myself. Doing this sort of deep internal work is hard on the body and system. So I need to be aware and take care of my own needs.


July 2020 Planning Spread

To recap, in 2020 I’m using these decks: The Sovereign Oracle, the mini Ceccoli Tarot, and the Animantras deck. I chose them because I wanted to play with mini decks this year. They give me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a cute animal to act as the guide for the lesson. This whole spread sits on my desk where I can see it, work with the energies, and integrate them into my day.

Theme: Embodiment
How: 3 of Cups
Helper: Cow (be kind)

July 2020 Planning Spread
July 2020 Planning Spread. Click to embiggen.

July’s theme is embodiment and I can take this a few different ways. I need to appreciate the opportunities coming my way. I should fully feel free to be myself and exist in my own body (something that is consistently hard to do). I feel like embodiment asks me to sit down and take stock of what I have so I can fully understand where I am, who I am in this moment, and then have a better understanding of what actions I need to take moving forward.

How to do this is the 3 of Cups. I love the sense of tribe and community of this card. I always think of my friends when this card comes up. They are my cheerleading squad and I often listen to them and their opinions more than I do my own. So this month, I will be more aware of their recommendations. I will open up more and appreciate the connections I have with them.

Cow is my helper. I love how simplistic cows are. I’m one of those who will wave at the beasts when she seems them driving out into the countryside. Cow is here to remind me that I am one part of the whole. That I should be more considerate of others and be kind. 


June 2020 Planning Spread

To recap, in 2020 I’m using these decks: The Sovereign Oracle, the mini Ceccoli Tarot, and the Animantras deck. I chose them because I wanted to play with mini decks this year. They give me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a cute animal to act as the guide for the lesson. This whole spread sits on my desk where I can see it, work with the energies, and integrate them into my day.

Theme: Undergrowth
How: 6 of Cups
Helper: Whale (be grand)

June 2020 Planning Spread.
June 2020 Planning Spread. Click to embiggen.

I’m being called to explore and celebrate what is happening beneath the surface of my world in June. It’s pride month and while we’re still shut-in, I feel it’s important to celebrate my partner and her transition journey. And my own, for I am asexual. I rarely give myself the opportunity to take space and give thanks to all that I have accomplished and helped birth into this world. And Undergrowth is here to remind me of these items.

How I’m going to do this is with the Six of Cups. Long noted as a card of nostalgia, the six of cups is also a heart-connection card for me. It’s about choices and relating to one another and to really build those connections. So, this month I’ll work on making the connections to those I care about stronger. To let people I care about know I really DO care about them.

This month’s helper is whale with their message of “be grand”. Whale wants me to live large and take space. In this strange “stay at home” times, I’ve been wearing my headphones more. To take less space. To be smaller than I normally am. There’s so much video chats going on around the house during the day, it’s hard for me to want to take space and be loud. I’ll be attempting to become the opposite this month as I work through the challenges.


May 2020 Planning Spread

To recap, in 2020 I’m using these decks: The Sovereign Oracle, the mini Ceccoli Tarot, and the Animantras deck. I chose them because I wanted to play with mini decks this year. They give me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a cute animal to act as the guide for the lesson. This whole spread sits on my desk where I can see it, work with the energies, and integrate them into my day.

Theme: Experiment
How: Queen of Swords
Helper: Sea Turtle (be brave)

May 2020 Planning Spread
May 2020 Planning Spread. Click to embiggen.

So we’re two months into lockdown and this month’s theme is to experiment. The pandemic has shifted and changed every industry I participate in. There are no more in-person readings, no events, and it’s time to experiment and explore new avenues of growth and potential ways to interact with my tribes. I’ll be dipping my toe into areas I am not good or familiar with. I feel being called to do more video things, so people can see me and reach out this way. I feel called to post more. We’ll see how this all goes.

How I will do this is with the Queen of Swords. She is a “take no bullshit” ruler. Her sword is as sharp as her mind. So I need to listen to my boundaries and hold them tight to my heart. I’ll also make good balance between what my capacity is and how I can expand and explore the ideas I’m stepping into.

My helper is the Sea Turtle. Their message for me is “be brave”. What a great compliment to the experiment theme. Kayti says, “ the sea turtle, reminds us that all big things in our life require careful planning and calculation, and like the sea turtle, a whole lot of patience.” Patience is something I’m not good at. I want to be perfect and do everything to the best of my abilities. However, video is such a new world to me that I know very little about. However, I can take this new world slow and plan out how to do it. So, we’ll see where this new world takes me.