
April 2018 Planning Spread

In this post, I’ll attempt to demystify April’s 3 card mini-spread from my Overview of 2018 spread. To recap, the three decks I used were The Enchanted Map, Triple Goddess Tarot, and Spirit Cats. I chose these 3 for their ability to give me concise info and for their ability to work together. The Enchanted Map card represents the theme of the month. The Triple Goddess card elaborates ways to achieve the theme. The Spirit Cats card gives me a guide card whose energy I can call upon when I need support.

Theme: #12 slow and steady
How: Judgement
Helper: warrior

April 2018’s 3-card spread

Slow and Steady is this month’s theme. With all that activity from February and March, it is time to slow down and breathe. I have one more trip to make at the end (yay for Readers Studio). Needless to say, I’m looking forward to having some down time before I jet set across country again.

This is one of those month’s where I love the synchronicity of all the cards. From the Slow and Steady message comes Judgement. Which is another great slow down and look to guidance card. In order to step past all I do, I need to center myself. Judgement does this. It’s that pregnant pause of silence where we’re given time to reflect before the storm hits. So, while I’m moving slowly and deliberately this month, I’ll do it with intention. Allowing my own inner pace and guides to help me.

Standing by my side this month is Mishkin Rough-n-Tumble. He’s a warrior cat and what better guide for April than to have the one spirit who will force me to say no. I’ll use his guidance and wisdom to clear my plate and give myself space. Time to be brave and work on the items I already have on my own plate.

Blog, Readings

March 2018 Planning Spread

In this post, I’ll attempt to demystify March’s 3 card mini-spread from my Overview of 2018 spread. To recap, the three decks I used were The Enchanted Map, Triple Goddess Tarot, and Spirit Cats. I chose these 3 for their ability to give me concise info and for their ability to work together. The Enchanted Map card represents the theme of the month. The Triple Goddess card elaborates ways to achieve the theme. The Spirit Cats card gives me a guide card whose energy I can call upon when I need support.

Theme: #18 magic stream
How: King of Wands
Helper: flow

March 2018’s 3-card spread

Magic Stream sounds like some silly new age mumbo jumbo, but it really goes deeper than that. This card reminds us that everything IS interconnected. And it really is! Two years ago, I tore my ATFL and despite the prescribed rehab from my doctor, I’m still dealing with fallout from that injury— in my leg and up my body. So yeah, the magic stream is a fitting theme for this month. I need to take all those intensions from February, and put them into motion. It’s time to let the stream inspire me and my works.

The King of Wands is a master of the arts. He’s fiery and rules with a strict set of values. I will use him to tap into the universal flow. I’ll use the energy to support my work this month. If I’m going to do what I want, I want to be able to do it my way. All this fire fuels me and my passions.

Flow is this month’s guardian. Her name is Zephyr and I found getting her alongside the Magic Stream very fitting. Flow is such an important part of a creative process. It’s the headspace one gets into when they are on a role for writing, or divining. Flow is also being able to let go of control and allow the process take over. This is where the magic happens and I’m excited to have this spirit cat remind me to connect with this powerful force.


Lessons Learned From PantheaCon

Well, PantheaCon has come and gone and what a great event it was. Taught two classes, had a deck party, and recorded a live session of Tarot Visions. I took a few divination and special focus classes which were a delight. And I had many laughs and thoughtful discussions among many awesome people. Along the way, these are the things I learned this time:

1. Bring money. Oh yes, Murphy’s Law came back to bite me this time. I usually bring cash with me; yet, I ran out of time to get it this trip. After purchasing a few small items, my card got locked and even after dealing with fraud, it wasn’t working. Thankfully, I I scheduled some tarot reading blocks and made enough to pay cash for meals the rest of the time.

2. Block lots of spare time. In addition to wonderful classes, PantheaCon has various hospitality suites around 3 floors. With all I did over the weekend, I wasn’t able to visit many of them. Namely the Llewellyn and Wieser Books suites. Next year, I want to leave some space for visiting various groups and hearing what they’re doing and supporting.

3. San Jose airport is a beast. I had forgotten how bad it is to fly home from there. Long lines (even in the TSA-precheck), delayed flights, and poor speakers made traveling home Monday a beast. I got a new carry-on suitcase this time around and I learned that I will never take two things onto a plane with me. It’s just to hard to juggle them. For now on, I leave plenty of space in the bag I bring so the goodies I bring home will fit.

Blog, Classes, Conferences, Outings

Come See Me at PantheaCon 2018

PantheaCon LogoI’ll be heading to San Jose and PantheaCon this Thursday. PantheaCon is a wonderful, 4-day pagan festival celebrating all types of craft, ritual, and everything in between.  It’s a top-notch event and I’m going to be knees deep in all sorts of fun this year. Here’s where you can find me during the event:

Saturday, February 17
7pm: Mix and Match, playing with Tarot and Oracles, in the Divination Suite (room 947). Learn how to assess your tarot and oracle decks and get them playing together with fun spreads and techniques.

8pm: Triple Goddess Deck Party, in the Divination Suite (room 947). Come see my Triple Goddess Tarot deck published by Lo Scarabeo. I’ll have some copies on hand for sale, and will tell stories about my experience making the deck. Got questions about my deck vision and structure? Bring them and I’ll help you navigate them.

Sunday, February 18
7pm: Pop Culture Tarot, in San Juan/San Carlos. Come learn how Rose Red and I use our favorite fandoms to create meaning with the cards. We’ll share lots of good techniques and fun pop culture spreads.

9pm: Live Recording of Tarot Visions podcast, in the Divination Suite (room 947). Fresh off our Pop Culture Class, Rose Red and I kick back in the Divination Suite and record our weekly podcast. Topic TBD, but it’ll be fun. We’ll also answer your questions on recording and publishing podcasts.
In addition to all this, I’ll be attending some fun divination and other pagan classes to help hone my own craft. I may also be available for some readings.

I’ll be posting live updates on my twitter feed @jaymi_elford, so if you’re not following me, now is a great time to do so!

Are you going to PantheaCon 2018? Let me know! Let’s hang.

Blog, Readings

February 2018 Planning Spread

In this post, I’ll attempt to demystify February’s 3 card mini-spread from my Overview of 2018 spread. To recap, the three decks I used were The Enchanted Map, Triple Goddess Tarot, and Spirit Cats. I chose these 3 for their ability to give me concise info and for their ability to work together. The Enchanted Map card represents the theme of the month. The Triple Goddess card elaborates ways to achieve the theme. The Spirit Cats card gives me a guide card whose energy I can call upon when I need support.

Theme: #22 intention
How: 2 of Swords
Helper: night magic

February’s 2018’s 3-card spread

Intention brings good fortune to me this month. All my goals and aspiration are moving forward. I’ve made achievable goals, yay! It’s time to set new goals and release them into the world, and let the universe and all its energies to work on my behalf. This month is perfect for setting up the life I desire and want to live. And it’s an auspicious time too, because this month I’m teaching two classes, Pop Culture Tarot and Mix and Match, at PantheaCon in San Jose, California. PantheaCon is a wonderful 4-day pagan conference featuring all sorts of classes and rituals. It’s been two years since I’ve attended and I can’t wait to return. I look forward to seeing my Californian friends and delving back into my pagan side and studies with others. Thinking about all the awesome intentions that’ll come out of this event makes me smile. I can’t wait.

Two of Swords sets the tone for how this will work. I need to still my mind, close my eyes, and allow my other senses to guide me. What do I want? What is a life worth living look like? How can I manifest the goals? These are the big, huge questions which plague me through my life. I see the two of swords as a reminder of how fluid life can be. Nothing is static. If I think back to what I thought my life was going to be like over 20 years ago, it has very little resemblance to where it is now. And that’s fine with me. Sometimes, you gotta pause on the path and make adjustments to where you want to go.

Night Magic’s name is Vespertine No-Sleep-For-The-Wild. Her energy is wild and crazy and swirly. She suggests doing things which break me out from routine and expand my sight and skills. She’ll be perfect for allowing me to see new connections in the world as I build and create new intentions for my life and projects. Perhaps I’ll get new ideas from hopping around in new playgrounds. I welcome her energies as I step out and make new magic happen.