To recap, in 2020 I’m using these decks: The Sovereign Oracle, the mini Ceccoli Tarot, and the Animantras deck. I chose them because I wanted to play with mini decks this year. They give me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a cute animal to act as the guide for the lesson. This whole spread sits on my desk where I can see it, work with the energies, and integrate them into my day.
Theme: Knowledge
How: 5 of Cups
Helper: Honey Bee (be busy)

Knowledge is the theme for this month. When I first drew this card back in January, I thought I understood it all. I figured I’d be signing up for a birthday month retreat somewhere, learning some new things with a group of likeminded individuals. I was wrong. Instead, I’m still here at home, learning, and growing at a slower pace. This card tells me to seek and grow beyond what I already know. I’m teaching my body how to run on pavement again, retraining it this way is a long process. I’m also slowing my writing down, to find and recapture the love I have for divination and techniques.
Showing me how I will accomplish this is the Five of Cups. I’m reading this card to say look beyond to where ad what makes me uncomfortable (grief, fragility, and the other negative places) and dig up the assumptions around this. Growth comes from the uncomfortable places. And it’s time to push my boundaries a bit more.
Honey Bee is my helper this month. Bee’s message is to be busy. But it’s not like my normal routine of doing things without focus or intent. Instead this is a focus on what needs to be done and then, when it’s time, go nourish myself. Doing this sort of deep internal work is hard on the body and system. So I need to be aware and take care of my own needs.