Today I drew the Knight of Swords! Ahoy, we’re off running…we have a plan (and no, it doesn’t include ZipFizzy)! Today’s draw reminds me that before I can just go and have a good time, I need to get things done first. Although, I’m not really sure what those items are because I have finished the second draft of my Tarot book and emailed it to my BETA Team (who are incredibly awesome by the way).
A few weeks ago, I switched over to using a daily paper planner for organizing what I do throughout the day. So far it’s been helping me keep everything organized and gives me a fun check list of things to do. So I guess I’ll just keep to “the plan” and be smart about getting whatever it is done. I do wish time would go faster tho… so I can get my Tarot grove on and see my Glorious Peeps of Tarot (GPoT).