August is one of my favorite months. It signals the end of summer and the long hot days. It’s my birth month. And it heralds my return to one of my favorite Tarot conventions, the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium. As I’ve done with other conventions, I’ve decided to do a daily countdown draw. So what did I draw today?

I drew the Two of Pentacles. I see this card representing all the amazing, fun, and busy times that this month brings me. Tomorrow I send out a package to my Beta Team to read through. I’m growing nervous and excited and hope they give me a lot of awesome stuff. In a week I turn 40 and my partner is throwing me a party. The weekend after that, I go camping with a large group of friends. I am so looking forward to that.
Finally, I get packed for my trip to the Bay Area and BATS. I am looking forward to reuniting with my friends Rose Red and Andrew Robinson and seeing my Tarot Tribe. I look forward to the classes and amazing discussions I have with my friends.