I drew the 3 of Pentacles for today. This card means many things to me. It represents working hard and enjoying that work. It also reminds me of collaborating with friends and coworkers. Some say that it also represents a project at completion, but since the 3 is towards the beginning I prefer to think of this stage in the work where everything is smooth sailing. Today is one of those days. I’m in my familiar Tuesday afternoon/evening haunt where I hammer out words and hopefully make sense. Later this evening, other writing friends will show up and we’ll continue to write, collaborate, and hone our prose into presentable forms for the masses to read.
I love these dates. They represent special spaces for me where I can devote large chunks of time to my personal projects. Two drafts of my tarot book have been written in such spaces. This vibe, and the collaboration with others, will carry me foward as I slowly begin to transition from being in Portland to my visit in San Jose.