On the fifth day of December, my solstice advent gave to me… The Sun.
We continue the light theme from yesterday with The Sun. The Sun sustains us with its power. After a few days of overcast, we all rush out and enjoy the illumination. The squirrels in my yard scamper around as they continue to collect and eat the acorns they’ve hidden. Dogs proudly carry sticks in their mouth as they walk around the streets. Kids giggle while their parents decorate the house. The Sun is an inspiring force for us all.
I’m continuing to rest today. This means enjoying the small rewards of sleeping on the sofa, watching terrible horror movies while snuggled under a cozy blanket. I am happy, content, and feeling fulfilled despite the health set back. Today has brought many small gifts in the mail, and a large one being put together in our dining room. We got a new sideboard that matches our counters’ height, with space to house our board game and table-top gaming collection. I foresee many nights and weekends spending time going through each game and having some fun conversations.

What abundance does life give you right now? How does the Sun brighten your days? Please email me and let me know.