In this post I’ll describe how I used the Ritual Manifestation spread to attempt the final goal of making a smooth transition for us in this move. This was done on the last night of the full moon. The last night I have to make sure that the energies go into making our swift move into Portland come together.
This ritual layout was a bit trickier for me than the other two. In this one, I wanted something called a smooth transition. I didn’t know exactly what that looked like except that I didn’t want a lot of stress to hit us as we packed everything up, signed documents, and moved from our old house to the new home.

I could have selected one focus card, however, due to the nature and ambiguity of this goal, I looked through another Rider Waite deck and ended up pulling 3 cards that fit the bill. So, for this ritual’s focus, we have The Sun, the 8 of Wands, and the 2 of Pentacles.
I choose The Sun because I associate happiness with this card. It’s about being in the moment, enjoying the here and now, and allowing things to happen as they will. I choose the 8 of Wands because I wanted a swift resolution and transaction and the card represents swiftness. Finally, I choose the 2 of Pentacles because I wanted the transition to be balanced.
Around the focus, I have the 9 of Wands, The High Priestess, the 3 of Cups, and then the 10 of Swords. Collectively, I read these as finding my center, holding my ground, know and understand that the time for celebration was at hand as everything will go as I could use it, and finally… and ending. The 10 of Swords is a tricky card. For it does mean endings. It’s not the happiest card in the deck but in this case, I choose to see it at face value… that all this will end and end in the way I want it. However, I couldn’t help but keep that card in mind. Just in case something may have cropped up.
As I did with the first ritual, I moved this one’s layout to a safe and hidden location. When I have to hide my layouts, I just move the cards as they appear in their positions. Putting them in a book, or a box, is easiest but all that matters is that their positions remain undisturbed.
And now that these rituals are running, I try and forget about them. I let them work their mojo on getting the house sold, finding us the perfect new home to move into, and making a swift and painless transition that would get us into the new place within 30 days of finding the house. I’ll write a final wrap-up post once we find the new place and have had time to settle ourselves into it.