We’re kicking off the first planning post for 2020 today! To recap, in 2020 I’m using these decks: The Sovereign Oracle, the mini Ceccoli Tarot, and the Animantras deck. I chose them because I wanted to play with my mini decks this year. They give me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a cute animal to act as the guide for the lesson. This whole spread sits on my desk where I can see it, work with the energies, and integrate them into my day.
Theme: Thrive
How: King of Swords
Helper: Hummingbird

The theme for January is thrive and the messages on the card ask me to “imagine an easeful, prosperous outcome. To create a pathway to resources that support this vision and release any tendencies to assume a struggle is necessary.” I dig this theme. While I’m by far no means hugely successful, the things I do for writing, podcasting, and publication are thriving. I get asked to write and do more. This month I need to figure out what this vision means, lay down the activities to achieve those items, and figure out what I can and cannot do to create space for ease.
The King of Swords is a lovely card which reminds me that “I can have my cake and eat it too.” I think part of the how I will begin to thrive in January is to focus on delegation and handing out tasks that others might be better at doing. Ask for help: from friends, colleagues, and my partner. I putter around, waiting to ask for the help I know I need, cos I’m just too stubborn to figure it out on my own. Guess this month is time to get better at the art of asking.
My helper in all this is the Hummingbird, to be swift. Kayti writes, “the energy of a hummingbird reminds us to be fast and efficient in all we do. To fuel ourselves with the sweetest things in life and to always be helping others.” I can see a resonance in the hummingbird which relates back to the other cards. When I need help from others, I should ask right away. Even if it means putting my items on hold so they can be done. Asking for help right away is a surefire way of removing the blocks and stress from my work and world. The last time I asked for help but didn’t wait for it, I lost 5.5 hours worth of podcast editing for Tarot Visions. Ugh, totally learned my lesson on getting help right away AND for patience in waiting for the help to get back to me.
What are your thoughts on these three cards? Got any input for me? I’d love to hear.