To recap, in 2020 I’m using these decks: The Sovereign Oracle, the mini Ceccoli Tarot, and the Animantras deck. I chose them because I wanted to play with mini decks this year. They give me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a cute animal to act as the guide for the lesson. This whole spread sits on my desk where I can see it, work with the energies, and integrate them into my day.
Theme: Embodiment
How: 3 of Cups
Helper: Cow (be kind)

July’s theme is embodiment and I can take this a few different ways. I need to appreciate the opportunities coming my way. I should fully feel free to be myself and exist in my own body (something that is consistently hard to do). I feel like embodiment asks me to sit down and take stock of what I have so I can fully understand where I am, who I am in this moment, and then have a better understanding of what actions I need to take moving forward.
How to do this is the 3 of Cups. I love the sense of tribe and community of this card. I always think of my friends when this card comes up. They are my cheerleading squad and I often listen to them and their opinions more than I do my own. So this month, I will be more aware of their recommendations. I will open up more and appreciate the connections I have with them.
Cow is my helper. I love how simplistic cows are. I’m one of those who will wave at the beasts when she seems them driving out into the countryside. Cow is here to remind me that I am one part of the whole. That I should be more considerate of others and be kind.