In this post, I’ll attempt to demystify November’s 3 card mini-spread from my Overview of 2018 spread. To recap, the three decks I used were The Enchanted Map, Triple Goddess Tarot, and Spirit Cats. I chose these 3 for their ability to give me concise info and for their ability to work together. The Enchanted Map card represents the theme of the month. The Triple Goddess card elaborates ways to achieve the theme. The Spirit Cats card gives me a guide card whose energy I can call upon when I need support.
Theme: #11 Balancing Act
How: 8 of pentacles
Helper: passion

Balancing Act is perfect for that November energy where winter holidays meet the daily hustle. If this month looks like past Novembers, I’ll need to use this theme as a shield to keep away energies which drain me. This card forces us to examine what we are doing in our life. Where are we doing “too much”? How out of whack do we feel? If there’s areas that can be moved out, to cut them. It’s time to take back a life spinning out of control and build in some sanity.
The 8 of Pentacles leads the charge on how to do this. It takes dedication, focus, and yes…hard work to bring some balance into life. We need to be sure the path we’re setting down is do-able and achievable. If the balance is external (like cleaning or decluttering) then there’s definitely hard physical, and mental, work to be had. And we must be strong in our convictions to stick to the plan, no matter what. That’s how I’ll be achieving balance this month. With luck, this becomes a new habit so I don’t have to repeat the cycles again and again.
The spirit cat of this month’s name is Ember and she’s all about passion. Passion is perfect for this planning cycle because without being in love with what you’re doing, it feels like pulling teeth. I believe anything we love doing (like writing or reading tarot) should be fun, first and foremost. If it stops feeling fun, or if I find myself dragging ass to do it, then I need to stop and re-evaluate what is going on. Do I axe the activity from my life, or do I find the passion. Ember will remind me what passion is and where I can find, kindle, and keep it going.