Happy Valentine’s Day dear readers! This is the first year I’ve flown into this convention and I must say it was awesome. My flight arrived 20 minutes early, and I lucked out by grabbing a shuttle to the hotel almost immediately upon exiting the terminal. There were no long lines to wait in, so I promptly got my room and was greeted by the rest of the PDX entourage.
This was the first time I got to really experience the transformation of the hotel from normal, every day activities to the wonders that is PantheaCon. I sat, in the lobby for most of the evening giving hugs, laughing, creating new memories, and feeling like I came home again.
After dinner and the departure of two good friends, I retired to my room to get settled in and get a “good night” sleep before the craziness of the rest of the convention.
I can’t wait to see what the first day holds! Stay tuned and hang onto your hats. π