Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book through netgalley in exchange for this review. This book will be released this July 2015 by Llewellyn Books.
Deborah Lipp’s Tarot Interactions takes tarot enthusiasts, new and advanced, through the various ways they can read and build relationships with the tarot. When I first saw this book for review on Netgalley I expected to see a tome on relating the cards to one another–a dictionary reference on building meaning for two, three, or four cards in a reading. If that’s the type of book you want, this is not for you. Instead, Lipp brings readers an new way of learning tarot in examining various interactions.
Tarot Interactions posits that every bit of using a tarot, from honing your psychic skills using the cards to reading for clients is an interaction. Each chapter discusses a unique view of an interaction using tarot cards. My favorite chapters were the Psyche, Patterns, and Language chapters because they take tarot on a personal level; reminding us that readings begin with learning patterns and seeing how the cards interplay with one another and the client; and the language and stories the cards tell us.
What I liked: This was a great workbook for readers. Lipp’s writing is smooth and easy going and it’s written almost like the reader is in the room with her. There are many exercises that make reading this book in a group setting very easy to do. She even includes answers to her own questions to use as good jumping off points. I also liked how each chapter builds and guides you into the art of tarot reading on one another. There are also some good appendices on her tarot meanings and other good info.
What I didn’t like: I had some issues with some of the example stories. Sometimes there seemed to be inconsistencies between the spread graphics and what was written. I also thought the book was too short. (Not REALLY an issue but I really liked her instructional style and wanted to have more from her.)
Bottom Line: If you want to develop long-lasting relationships with your decks and learn how interactions play in your tarot readings then Tarot Interactions is for you.