Welcome to the inaugural Imbolc post and topic of the Tarot Blog Hop. During Imbolc, we celebrate the return on the light, as the days grow brighter and longer and warmer. I wave to all those who have joined me from the excellent Hilary Parry’s website.
For those of you who came here directly, the Tarot Blog Hop is a Facebook group made up of several tarot bloggers who have come together to write their thoughts on a given topic. If this is your first visit, you can go to Hillary’s post to read what she posted, and see who came before her.
Stephanie Arwen Lynch posed this round’s question of “How can I be a better candle?” and I have spent quite some time thinking on this topic. I started out with an image of a candle in my mind. Then I imagined that I was this candle, giving off some light. Then the light, and this idea, grew into the thought that to be a better candle means to give off more light. And if I am the center of the candle, then personality, my perspectives as a tarot reader, my way with reading the cards, and helping those attain a better life or gain insight into what troubles them is the answer to this question.
We can all be better candles, shining light onto others, when we genuinely share and honor those around us. While I try to help my clients come to their own answers, sometimes they need is an external “light,” or person, to bounce ideas off of. And this is where I believe me and my tarot experiences can help be a better candle to others. I shine the light into the nooks and crannies that others may have not thought on.
For those of you who want to continue reading the Tarot Blog Hop posts for Imbolc, continue hopping by going to visit the wonderful Joanna Powell Colbert’s post now.