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6 Days: The Sun

The Sun from The Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
The Sun from The Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

Happy Friday everyone! Today’s card is The Sun, and it’s no big surprise that it’s got a prominent feature for the weekend. The Sun represents joyous occasions, happiness, and the warmth of basking in the Sun’s heat. Whenever this card appears, it’s a confirmation that everything is shiny and going good.

I have one weekend before I journey off to New York, so this weekend is the time to enjoy being with my friends and loved ones on the West Coast. Tonight I celebrate a friend’s birthday. Saturday I spend time with my writing group (the lovely women of WBTASS), and Sunday I have a goddess meeting. I’ll smile, laugh, and enjoy my time before the remaining days of crazy packing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hoping the Sun will shine it’s rays long past this weekend but until then I’ll take this moment as it comes.

Blog, Conferences

7 Days: The Fool

The Fool from The Shadowscapes Tarot
The Fool from The Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

In exactly one week, I’ll be in New York helping set up the Tarot Media Company booth. I’ll be hugging friends and grinning like a cheshire cat. Today’s card is The Fool and it represents every bit of the energy I’ll be showing off next weekend. The Fool heralds the beginning of a new journey, a new start. Like the name suggests, this person has a brain ripe for filling up. They are enthralled with the world and the senses it brings. Everything is so shiny and bright that if the Fool does not watch out, they’ll walk right off the known path. What happens next, is only our best guess.

I love The Fool. Many Asian cultures refer to this state as “beginners mind.” A person is ready to be filled with knowledge, not judging, not creating a fantasy world where expectation can fail to live up to the reality of the situation. The Fool is a perfect way to enter the last 7 days of my journey. No expectations, no presumptions… just smiling and enjoying the world around me and allowing the experience of the moment to carry me to where I need to be.

Blog, Conferences

8 Days: Judgement

Awakening from The Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert
Awakening from The Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

Happy Post Taxes time and welcome to the single digit posts! There’s just one more week until I board the plane. Excitement builds! Judgement is such a fitting card for today, for it marks the piercing of the veil. Judgement is the last hurrah, the moment of release where we’ve learned all that we’ll need to know on a topic and cannot go further until we have let go and pushed beyond the known into the unknown. It’s an awakening, a realization of a new moment moment and a new journey.

I spoke about the idea of needing to let go in yesterday’s post and here we are today with Judgement. This is the moment that I need to let go and just know that no matter what happens will happen. It’s time for me to enjoy the trip and know that I have done all I could to prep myself for it. Judgement is here to say, “yep, you’re ready for The Readers Studio. Don’t worry, all that house business will await your return.” And with that strong voice, it’s time I go off and enjoy this day.

Blog, Conferences

9 Days: The Moon

The Moon from The Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert
The Moon from The Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

The Moon is a fickle creature. She provides just enough light to take the edge off the shadows that swirl in the misty unknown; but her presence at night also brings our fears out. In tarot, The Moon, allows us to get in touch with what’s buried deep below the surface. This is the card of the occult, of going deeper, and exploring things that have been buried deep within our subconscious.

I was chatting with Andrew when I composed this post. Both of us seemed to be misaligned with the energies of this card. Of course, when this happens, the solution always hits me. While sharing the premise of this post, it occurred to me that The Moon was hinting that today’s the perfect day to embrace the unknown. Let go of the the things we have no control over. For me, this includes not worrying about what’s going on these last days before I leave. I can only control what is in my sphere, anything external to that, will be what it is. This is also a good time for me to clear as much of my schedule as I can to give my husband some good attention before leaving his side for a whole week.

Blog, Conferences

10 Days: The Empress

The Empress from The Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
The Empress from The Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

Whenever I see a progression (or regression) of cards in a row, I always wonder if this is a true message order from The Powers That Be. However, I love that this card follows the Lord of all that is structure. The Empress is the exact opposite of her counterpart, she is calm, collective, and creative. She loves lavish things and runs along to her own drum. Abundance is her motto and her cup never runs dry.

So, now that I have made a plan using the energies of The Emperor, I can use some of my creative flair to spice things up and light a fire under my feet to motivate me. It’s time to work on my creative project, get more of my book written and edited. And I’ll also be able to use some of this creative flair to select my wardrobe. I’m looking forward to busting out my woodland faerie attire again.