The Heaven and Earth Tarot got nominated for Best Deck Release of 2021 by the World Divination Association
In addition to doing tarot readings and teaching, I also write booklets (and books) for various decks. My main client is Lo Scarabeo and you can find a list of decks (and everything I’ve been published in) over at my writing site. One of the decks I did in 2020, a Qabalah-inspired deck called Heaven & Earth was nominated for Best Deck of 2021 over at the World Divination Association.
This is such an honor to know people in the community like the work that I do with artists who make stunning art. If you get a chance, pop over to the site and vote for us! You’ll have to scroll down the page until you see this section:
Check out this amazing list of decks up for Best Deck Release 2021 award from the World Divination Association
Jaymi Elford lives a tarot inspired life. A deck is always close at hand. She believes tarot is a perfect companion to help explore the world we live in. The author of Tarot Inspired Life and Triple Goddess Tarot continues to study, write, and create tarot innovation from her home in Portland, OR. Find her works in Llewellyn, Lo Scarabeo, The Cartomancer, The Tarosophist, and Megalithica Books. She also co-hosts two podcasts: Tarot Visions with Rose Red Robinson and Cardslingers with Melissa Cynova and Hilary Parry Haggerty. Finally, she’s slightly addicted to teaching techniques at tarot conferences.
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